:) <3

There was a short intro-story about polluted future Earth but I found it too cheesy and removed it from the description.
You could probably just imagine a young guy standing in front some sort of dark large tubes leading into some mysterious world blah blah blah.
Kepz did an amazing jobs on the atmospheric bell percs and the drummings (kick with the pulv!). Awr, I wish I could have that skill. Thanks Kepz!
Enjoy :)
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0 -
1 I'm glad this is on my profile now <3
0 Thank you @yafee? ! and @Martin Below :)
0 Really nice, the whistle is sweet and the bass is fab, N1m8s:)!
1 reԅ(≖‿≖ԅ)fave
0 Republished
1 Beautiful, you guys.
0 wai is it Nolstagic? @Inavon ?
1 for about 4 minutes you took me on a trip to utopia, a perfect world. ;)
1 wow
0 Thanks guys
1 Awesome work guys!
0 holy... this is... wow. incredible track! :o
0 deep and groovy at the same time, with some oriental feeling. really nice work on percs and pad
1 ↓ This must be a tongue-twister.