wanted to finish this

never had the inspiration to continue

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  • really? :D

  • well here is some LOGIC. and brain complexity bullshit for you that actually works.

    Get anything that is just BLUE and then do your song, it makes you think more creatively and keeps you relaxed, unlike red which is like BLOOD AND SEX AND DRUGS AND KILL EVERYONE1!!! so yeah, have something that shows a blue screen, um. maybe a ipad that only shows blue, or a oculus rift that shows blue for a min and then u go do your work for a 1 and then oculus again and blah blah blah, BUT TRUST ME! it works!!!

  • I don't

  • I want old lux back ;-;

  • plz y u no finish go eat some inspiration cake and finish it

  • You need to finish

  • Wow, those chords and those plucks... this is definitely not failed man!

  • holy sh*t… goes ham near the end… love this

  • Your melodies make beautiful piano cadences...

  • Just looked up 'failed' in the dictionary...

    It said, "having not succeeded". Therefore this is not failed

  • i think ive figured out what "failed" means to luxior it probabally just means unfinished cause this is not failed at all!

  • By failed, do you mean like Wolfgang Gartner? This is absolutely great! :P

  • Not failed. Definitely not failed.