Very nice !

- featured on the AT youtube channel: (link is only visible to registered users)
- remixable percs: pipe dream percs
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1 -
1 damn i love your drums so much
1 I love the flute lead
1 really impressive
1 This is nice.
good percussion work.
1 why have i not seen this before???
9 I want a U, i want a N, give me a D, give me an E, show me a R, and another R, throw me an A and a T, and make sure not to forgot the E and the D
Like seriously
1 By "Pipe" do you mean any illegal substance...??
0 very familiar
0 the melody sounds familiar for some reason
0 i wish this was remixable so i could study...
1 the sidechain on this mmmm
1 i like the coloring of ur pfp
3 Your Ingenuity is astounding man
1 stunningly beautiful composition