
I decided this drop was really awesome and kinda wanted it to have better sound design so i just redid it.

Hope you like it.


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  • holy fuck these chords are so warmmmmm

  • but but but can u teach me chord design?

    • Ty fam :D

    • Get about 3-4 Heisenburgs (fuck my spelling) for saws and chords, and add a Multiband compression either high or low, Then add a reese and a sub. The sub should be low but not so low you cant hear it. Same with the reese. Add a Multiband compression low for the reese and sub. and finally add a dope sidechain and hard hitting beat. Also try not to make the snare too loud. I tent to do that sometimes. :D Have Fun

  • yes

  • this still has better sound design

    wtf did i do wrong?

  • very nice !

  • Essence. oops typo