It's funny how that main bass was made from a Flux Pavilion preset into a heavy bass like that :P

So yeah, I've been working on this in FL Studio 10. That's why no new tracks in a while. This is just a short preview. Full version on (link is only visible to registered users) and (link is only visible to registered users)
I gotta find the will to make music on Audiotool too, but making music on FL Studio 10 is as easy as here if not easier so it's hard coming back. I will do it though. I'm too thankful at AT to just leave to another DAW just like that.
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0 -
0 thanks
0 I love this that main synth is RIDICULOUS
0 NICE!!!! btw please have a look at this it will blow your mind Spyhunter G-7000 Interceptor RUSH!
0 NICE!!!! btw please have a look at this it will blow your mind Spyhunter G-7000 Interceptor RUSH!
0 thx guys :)
0 subbed on YouTube
0 Subbed to youtube :)
0 really cool!
0 VC, theres more on my soubdcloud and youtube. this is just a short preview. link to full version on descriptipn and thank :)
0 I regret that it is so short because it's so good. Really you should lengthen it is crazy good. keep it up. I'll wait for more.
0 Woah @kiari favorited my track after a long while! :)
0 Could try that one day
0 reverb with room size turned all the way up and the dampener turned at least past 2/3 up should give you the metallic echo
0 maybe i couldve done it on AT by modifying that preset