the sequel

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1 nice pads :)
3 part at 0:52 sounds like the vocal chops in skrillex scary monsters and nice sprites
1 Yoo , This Is Slick . Def Gunna Have To Do Something Bout A Collab If Im Worthy Enough .
2 kick ass
1 :0
2 king i love it
2 hly sht bruh!!!
I want to make a song with this :D
Saludos desde México wey! :D
3 The synth that comes in at 00:38 is pretty loud, and the overall track doesn't really have that "worthless" feeling. it sounds happy in my opinion, but the melody is nice, and the rest of the mix seems ok
2 i like it
2 nice:)
2 groovy :)
1 just heard it and it seems like something I would listen too while I was high
1 Fire
1 Awesome love what you did here like the solo you did for one of the synths