Would make longer, But my PC can barely handle this. Experimental style, experimental song. Everythings an experiment.

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  • Stellar


  • Very cool man. Love experiments :)

  • Republished

    cleaned it up

  • Amazing sound design!!!!! Goodness!!! I absolutely love this stuff...ughh...

    So much girth..

  • Republished

    I fixed a lot of the muddy sound.

  • Absolutely wonderful!

  • Republished

    Fixed Sub Wobble

  • Woah this is crazy awesome. :0

  • Republished

    Fixed a bit of the muddy sound. EQed the Percs and a bit of the lead

  • Not great, there's too much reverb, and the overall mixing is a little odd. I like the ending parts, where the sound is a little less full on. Listened to other tracks you've made, I like bit's of them, though the mixing and eq-ing (lot's of muddy frequencies) need to be worked on.

  • so prettty ugh ok you me we have to collab

  • oooooh this is good.

  • Experimental =good