So... About 3 weeks ago, I invited Synthy to this draft. I then begged him for about a week to actually do something. He obviously did nothing for a week insisting that "I have no ideas". He then just decided to leave for a month, so I half-arsed a crappy intro and published.


Not to brag, but I'm kind of proud of the drum programming on this one.


Does anyone want to fix the intro?


Partially inspired by this:

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  • Clips a bit, but it's better than it pumping unintentionally.

  • Republished

    Turned off limiter.

  • Republished

    Took off the high end from the snare. Normalized sample volume.

  • Republished

    Added second sidechain and fixed clipping issues.

  • Right... Time to fix this...

  • turn it up