Super.N.O.V.A.: so bored made with 1 heisen 1 reverb 1 drum machine

me: I thought NOVA's little track of boredom was really funny so I edited it. Sorry it's as short as it is... it was really hard to remix XD

I hope it qualifies as a remix...

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  • thanks opaqity for the comment check out full version ft us

  • XP why !!!!!!!

  • thanks guys... can't take all the credit for myself most of the sounds are from NOVA's song anyway... I just made them sound a lot better :P

  • The intro sounds very 80s, interesting stuff

  • gorgeous!

  • :)

  • nie lke de ntroduction t was rlly atmosperc

  • expect a remix

  • chilled very chilled

  • yes lmfao i just remixed it publishing now i fixed the beat alot and added some fx and fixed somethings now sound beutiful

  • Then it will be... edit me (opaque) (Super.N.O.V.A. Remix) (opaque) (Super.N.O.V.A. Remix) (opaque) (Super.N.O.V.A. Remix) lol... I wonder what it would sound like finished

  • lol let's do remix ping pong! XD

  • even though u used mostly fx i say its a remix

  • :D dat intro so beutiful dude im remixing this XD so pretty

  • This isn't anything serious, I know it's really bad. It's kind of supposed to be like that lol