dope track

edit : some change in the kick .
some wierd stuff
abaddon .
and thnxs melonade for the drumsection in the middle :)
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0 -
0 I think its good XD
0 very Kool
0 Cool.
0 very cool good times :D
0 i dont know why this is so left behind , it not bad is it ??? i tought this was sick ? :)
0 thnxs @{stax}
0 likin the hard team sound, nice
1 thnxs @Frozenskull and bangarang
0 Good job guys..... will be working on the next one
0 Very nice abaddon, you did more to it and did good! (BANGARANG)
0 :) thnxs , yeah i tought this would make it even better
0 sounds good ! there are some interesting sounds
0 LOVE the drone!!nice additions my man!!sweeet!! XD
0 NP m8!!! :)