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  • Evil Mix, Well done abaddon 😈

  • Yooooo #1 chart!!! Nice job fam 💜🤙

  • I love how well made tracks like this probably won't even touch the charts or break 1K plays,

    Yet every day I get spammed with trash music that charts for some reason.

    I'm so glad to be RID this site

    • Your wholesomeness paid off as you're #1 on hardcore, great job and keep doing what you love. :)

    • Of course :)

    • I understand, however i do hope to see you around now and then. You will keep your profile here right.

    2 more
  • Nice work Abadon!

  • Great job, friend !

  • This is really awesome. You always manage to make hardstyle interesting!!! This one goes pretty hard. Very nice job with the mixing and everything! All these sounds are fantastically done. The clarity on those pads! my goodness. great job <3

    • As always, thank you so much Zir0h ( with silent f y 😅) . Means a lot to me that producers like your self like what i make and take their time to comment

  • This sounds interesting, but why is it so quiet/compressed?? I have my volume maxed and it's still lacking...did you leave a gain knob turned down by accident?

    • muuuuch better <3

    • Yes i was wondering the same thing today , im gonna check and repub.. its way to soft.

      Thanks for the words Zir0h .. i will share it with you when i fixed it

  • brutal

    • Haha yes that was the idea 💪 thank you