Dude this is great!

I am pretty much back!
Chilled little DNB song I made.
Took about three damn weeks.
Recommend listening to with bassy headphones or speakers.
Good news is I am starting to break down the creavtivity block.
Hope you enjoy the song :)
Its not perfect, its my first attempt with all these fancy basses, plucks and devices and shizz.
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0 -
0 More than anything, I struggle with getting the right sounding kit
0 I need to learn to liquid :|
3 u seem like ur the same guy as dublion
3 this is to good for you to say you suck :)
1 awesome song mate its very nice. :)
1 It's so beautiful, I could...........shit, I forgot what was I going to say
2 You used all of dublion's presets :3 nice work
1 This is great :)
1 Holy Crap!
1 Pretty swig
love the sub
1 Love it!
1 pretty good. those vocals really fit. i like 1:50 better than the happier first part. idk i just like the vibe better.
1 This is really nice!
1 Sick! Get Dublion to see this :D