
(Lemme know what u think.)

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  • holy fuck this is terrible... please stop making these. id rather smell a sweaty penis with cats on it than listen to this

  • Yeah dude. I dont know how else to make good dubstep sounds. Ive listened to this a few times and it sounds too simple. I need to get more instruments in there. Like a nice yoybass or scream.

  • You got a new follower :D

  • wow man cool idea using a kick to make the bass!

  • cool

  • This is deep. +1

  • Duckstep!


  • C:

  • What do u mean how do i do it? Kick sample>slope>frequency>WOMP.

  • huge, but how did you do it... argh!

    Im not a huge fan of these WUBUBBUBUBUBUUB heavy (like the wub is the focal point) but

    since psyduck is involved it kind of makes sense :)

  • hmm. well okay. thx man.

  • Cool.... but Needs more bass......