Petrol is invading the Earth, Some people are so dumb to say that Petrol is Life when Petrol is just stealing what we need. Like Oxygen

Sure we made some cool things with the petrol, but we have been too deep in this. There's no comeback, I bet you in 30 years everybody will say ''Petrol is just scrapping the Earth''!!

I'll be there and ''TOO LATE, DUMBASS HUMANS.''

We're here like ''we are the most intelligents'' Yeah, maybe you are, but are you enough to say that everything you created is not good at all? I mean, yeah sure it's cool to have cars, tv and all but there is more negativity than positivity.

We live in a Vainglorious word.

Well... I'm really saying shit.

my friend @Atheanoa has something to say: @Azzect says the truth, Petrol is sad, we are really happy to have all what we created, but it only makes bad luck and shit.

This is so far my biggest synthwork i've ever made.

Eq'ed the most i know i can do.

I want alot of criticism, but not too rough please, it's my first time in that genre of track, i think it's garage...

Love y'all, enjoy.

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  • Merci Eclips :)

  • vraiment cool mec ;)

  • If you say so :) Thanks alot bud :)

  • very nice work man, really like this one but deffo this is not n 2step nor garage :) sounds more experimental to me

  • Thanks Jake and Dustin :)

  • very cool, piano really makes it work for me

  • who will get the 50th fav?

  • thanks, love y'all

  • Never though this would be on popular for 3 days

  • Damn god I am always on popular^^

  • Awesome! I'm mostly proud of the beautiful mixdown, and that no sounds clash with one another. Very minty! And dat piano!(: Very very very nice!(: You should make some up-beat garage tunes. Like some of Synthetic Epiphany's Stuff!

  • this is epic!!!!

  • When it hit 0:42 I had to fav for that beat

  • nifty