super interesting vibe, chaotic in a good way! the choice of notes in some parts makes it sound almost tribal or ancient which is a really cool juxtaposition with the synth-heavy production. really cool, always love seeing interesting guitar stuff here!
I think double tracking would do you wonders. This is truly some creative stuff! even without the appeal of audiotool guitar becoming more popular, this is still great
I have a Roland's Micro Cube N225, it has a bunch of built-in fx split between 2 knobs (chorus/flanger/ phaser/tremolo + reverb/delay). It can be handy but the main drawback is that you can only set the intensity of the fx and cannot combine multiple fx, compared to pedals. In the end, my favourite feature is its amp type selector
the famous line6 spider haha actually I think I'll buy the Marshall MG15GFX amp, it has built in effects so I wont have to spend all my money on pedals lol