Jetdarc's 1000 Follower Remix Comp Results


First of all, big fat thanks to my friend that made the cover as fan art :DD



This will be my final follower remix competition [Nope, I've changed my mind. I'm going to keep going :D], thank you all for 1k, and thank you to those of you who may participate and have in the past participated in my remix competitions. I never expected them to be successful, much less my first remix competition, but you guys have shown me that you really care, and i've always noticed!!!



-Must be over 1 minute long

-Must use either one or more of the melodies or the chords (you don't have to use the bass if you don't want to)

^^^- You can use the numbered melodies and chords together or separately as long as you use them. You may also edit those melodies and chords as long as they're still recognizable.

-Must be made in audiotool (exception: instruments from other places are allowed)

-Any genre is allowed

-Any title and cover is allowed

-No collaborations are allowed

-You may only republish BEFORE the remix comp ends and AFTER the results have been decided

[RULE UPDATE]: you can add your own melodies and chords, but you have to include either a Melody or chord progression (or as many of either from this as you want) from this at least once in your remix



1st: $25, likes, my eternal praise


2nd: $10, likes


3rd: $5, E




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