Track 1 of 8

A machine of an impossible size, created in a long forgotten era for a purpose no one has ever been able to uncover, or even traverse its inner workings.


Next track: Maestro Machinations feat. XculE & laevent


Photo credit to @rey , I just altered it.


The largest track I've ever created, with many many hours poured into making it exactly the way I wanted it to sound. (Not to mention the many hours trying to decide on a title.)

I've always wanted to make Breakcore in some respect, but I wanted it to be a unique take spun in a very specific style and this is what I ultimately came up with. It's my proudest work to date and I hope it shows; thanks for listening.

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  • first 20 seconds go hard

  • Yummy glitches. Makes neuron activate

  • robotic gibberish

  • almost hear a shepards tone and risset rhythm in there

  • mechanical babe

  • damn

  • my soul left my body at 1:00 . beautiful track


  • TF is this like way down on chart? Instead top tracks are just brick waveform of shitty distorted 808s.

    • no? ok then

    • if you explain i think i probably would

    • you wouldn't understand

    41 more
  • a masterpiece

  • Frick, listening again and my soul exited my body. I've always admired breaks and it's sub-genres and you just really hit the spot with this...



    Mad respect.


  • always amazing :)

  • Yo this is sick! The section at 2:13 reminds of a boss battle in a video game.

  • Republished

    added quite a bit more stereo to the snare as it was practically nonexistent to begin with

    • it was already amazing, and now it's better? epic