I guess I'll publish it now.

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  • WOW very cool :) glad i saw the BTF by Torn.... :) if you got a sec check out my latest track its dubstep... id post it but i think iv done enough of that today.... anyways sweet track

  • Oh hey that was nice. Thanks, for the bump and the explanation.

  • Bump to Feed this great track to everyone on my follow list :)

  • Thanks! ^^ Oh, and what does BtF mean? I keep seeing it around here.

  • BtF awesome :)

  • Molto inquietante, mi piace, davvero molto bella............ :)

  • This is great, nice darkness to it.

  • Nonono, it was an exaggeration, hehe. I have a lot of drafts, they're all mostly testing dials and stuff, that I just forget about.

  • how can you even keep track of 961 drafts lol you must have super org skills hehe - i just deleted 10 of 30 drafts in my bag because i felt things were getting cluttered !

  • You're kidding me, 961 drafts? I've been here for eight months and I have less than 10 drafts, but they're all failed attempts.

  • i second that !

  • good stuff :)

  • @Dustin- thanks, eerie was what I was going for. ^^

    @Syntax- yeah, I finally published something! :D I only have 961 drafts now!

    I think this might be a bit repetitive, but I'm gonna move on though.

  • Finally on the radar I see, I like that bass you pushed out of the pulv. :)

  • whoa o.o didnt expect the vox. very eerie