im going soon...

the air is getting thin up here....

play this at my funeral

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  • Reminds me of a park I used to love going to when I was younger

    The swings and structures were all made of this dark wood that blended with the wooded area it was made in

    As an only child, meeting kids at the park was a big deal. Finally, someone my age I could play with. I met so many kids during that time, but being so young it's not like I had a phone and could get there numbers. So many I'd never see again.

    "Fun while it lasted" is the sentiment I get from this


  • This feels like a relapse of memories just flooding someone's mind all at once, thinking about the bad times and the good times. It's powerful luffy.

  • Do you mind if I put this in an album? I'll call it "Underrated".

  • I love this!! 😩😭

    This is so good! Thank you for this ❀

    1 more
  • Oh my god Luffy, can we get married to this song? I love it. Thank you for finishing it!

  • yo this is goood

  • Open remix? I know im supposed to be gone but this is so good 😩

    I mean id except an invite too lmao

    3 more
  • Wish i could do stuff like this D:

    If i could, i would feel better leavin the site ya know? lol

    Like it would be so good to have a track like this to be remembered by instead of having my top track being a shit post

  • :o

  • Dude pleeeaaase finish this πŸ₯ΊπŸ–€πŸ–€

    1 more
  • This feels like when you have flashbacks of your childhood.