I notice that you have a Heisenberg with unison 4 and 5 notes at a time. Heisenberg has 16 voice polyphony, so one of the notes won't be playing there.

I would do something with this maybe, but already hitting 100% acitivity smh computer
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1 modulations do that to lower end computers
get an i7 for huge ass tracks
Thats the only thing that can handle it really
1 dat brick tho
1 @abstract lmao same
0 Can we do a collab?
0 omg lol
0 Republished
mk im done w this, still hitting 100% = BS
1 dam i wish i could chord like u
1 00:52 is so goodd
0 Republished
detuning more btr
1 What I find really cool about this is the flange effect without the flanger effect pedal present. The chords are good.
1 oooft these chords
1 the constant anticipation of what the next chord will be is what makes this so satisfying, nice work abs
1 same with my shit pc bro
3 rip pc