My first collaboration with @MatChups Hope you enjoy! ;)


Pic by Matchups


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  • Mmm... Guys... Good job... but I think that you two had a trouble doing it because it does high jumps for each melody on the track... I think that you wanted to do like a fusion of ideas but you two couldnt decide about how do it because there are parts where differents ideas... melodies... are played between and it shouldnt... , i understood the idea... It needs effects like reverb and changes some notes... If you want i can help.. so invite me to the draft if you want. Anyway good job dudes :D

  • Goude djaube ! Fantastique! Brafo!

  • Nice collab,

    Really interesting

  • Cool.

  • Thank you!! :D

  • this is awesome!!! The intro is a little off but im sure thats very easy to fix!!!

  • you to did so good :D desserve a pat on back <3

  • Wow... 13 plays, and 13 favs guess that means this is beast!!!!!

  • I dont like it until 0.43 ;/ but good job!

  • Thanks! :)

  • really good dude)