Collaborations MatChups 13 about 10 years ago 1 Duck Story - Smily and Mat©hups MatChups Smily MatChups Smily 139 2 Check this sound - Islyz and MatChups MatChups islyz MatChups islyz 213 3 Black Jail - DJ LEM & MatChups (original mix) MatChups DJ LEM MatChups DJ LEM 104 4 Change is now - Smily and Mat©hups MatChups Smily MatChups Smily 48 5 Electric atmosphere - DJLem and MatChups MatChups DJ LEM MatChups DJ LEM 392 6 Magic ft. Big Beat & Audioelement MatChups MatChups 272 7 This is a gonna turn out bad - MatChups and Charlocog MatChups charlocog MatChups charlocog 146 8 I Don't Think ! - MatChups, Smily and Islyz MatChups Smily islyz MatChups Smily islyz 145 9 Hey ! - Not finished - Matchups and Smily MatChups Smily MatChups Smily 68 10 Draft failed - MatChups ft. Smily and Alchemist MatChups Ʌlchemist Smily MatChups Ʌlchemist Smily 131 Show all 14 tracks