
thatk so much to zir0h that helped me create la song, and everyone else!!!!!

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  • shit. i wish I had gotten the chance to edit this more before it was pubbed. The mixing is all wrong imo, but the vibe and everything is there. It's just not blended quite right. and we need some fade ins and outs....crap. I'm sorry I dropped the ball with helping on this one :(

    • turns out, its pubical hair.

      oh jeez.

    • btw it's not pronounced pubbed, it pronouned "PUEBES"


    • it's ok!

    1 more
  • omg this is dope

  • great guys, i think the lead arp deserve pulsar delay and a slope detune tho.

  • damn, I wanna do synthwave but sadly I don't know how to. ;-;

    but other than that good

    • ha nice lol!

    • Same lmao I literally just joined the thing, added a single synth that jut played the same thing as another synth already in there, and left.

      I did nothing for this XD