It's finished, it's long, but who has a quick chill?

Ed: more bass, still trying to get rid of distortion.

Ed: tweaked cymbols on third phase.

Ed: tweaked claps

A girl walks alone by the waterside. Draped in shimmering satin, translucent, enfolded with a ghostly aurora, her hair silver as the moon light cascading through the leaves as she passes from cool shade to cold night.

She pauses, breathing the freezing air that guards against tears she does not want to shed. A ripple, the infinite mirror disturbed and a calling croak announces the visitor. Drifting to her knees, hands pressed down as though in prayer, she wonders if all those childhood becalmings held any truth. That maybe one wish, frozen in time in a frozen field, could be granted. She reaches out and with the softness of a father's first kiss to his newborn child, makes her wish.

And what happened? Nothing and the next day her boyfriend had genital warts. :P

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  • my room's temperature lowered 10 degrees after I push play

  • This is going back a bit! Cheers guys :)

    • Hehe ;) I'm playing about with some things, but the glitch synth stuff is seriously hard!

    • Good moment to start something new ;)

  • oh yeah! insane

  • damn how did i miss this masterpiece

  • Sounds here are awesome!!

  • Cheers! Glad you like it :)

  • Okay, the use of stutter to create bass is novel.

  • So chill that the wet juicy synths have turned into smoothies. Ohgosh I have to look at your synth work. Dat bass.

  • Thank you jinx! :) :D XD

  • i would really like to be the creator of this track to be proud of,this track for me it's amazing man,refav

  • lol thanks toast :)

  • Very nice work here man, this sick, haha i love the description :)

  • ha ha! Well she french kissed a frog! what did you expect! :) merci tres beaucoup!

  • Oh my god! This history of genital warts. is monstrous ... But track is great !

  • Thanks Up found the vocals in one of you're tracks;)