best beat I have seen so far.!!!!!!!
Here's an old Draft which you guys may like :)
since coming back to adiotool i've been able to finish drafts in like an hour!
so happy
Anyway, Enjoy!
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0 -
0 Ooh I remeber this
1 had to come back to this sexiness. i swear you didn't make this in AT, the lead is so sexy. and then the bass....
0 Holy shit this is amazing :D
0 Wow this is pretty massive
0 man how do you do this really....
0 very cool !
1 fuck yeah
1 Thanks guys :)
0 Don't worry. You can have my brain. Because it just exploded!
0 Oh this is real good, my brains have been bashed!!!!!!!!
0 Wouaaou again a big sound. Big stuff !
0 cool! the bass synth sounds like its saying braaaiiiinns. but i love the synth work here :)
0 Sick bass synth!