hahayeah i do :)

under the normal and everyday face an violent and insane creature takes over and makes you do thing you normaly never would have done .
only the funny thing is you do enjoy them and do not realy fight to work the creature out ..
my soft touche
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0 -
0 Hehe surely you mean 'Go Nuts Go Glory!'
0 thnxs @Narkophobia yeah i went a little bit insane at that point.... but realy could you hear that haha .
haha jambam no nuts no glory
0 Images of high viz dutch nut cases again :)
0 should be in the gate ;) love it , especially the part starting at 2:06 !!!
0 thnxs :)
0 haha yeahway soft haha
2 i like how this shows your softer side
1 for all how want bleedng ears ,check thi haha
0 oke a bit late but thnxs @DIRTYDUB
0 this takes me back to my teenage days good work bro
0 :) thnxs
0 thnxs tornsage
0 missed this man - awesome !!
0 thank you sir grotzo :)