What I learned this week,

Dubstep is hard.

Always remember to save your work.


Not to much though.

Why didint I put all that in one line?

Thats more of a question than a statement though.

Why am I wasteing my time doing this when I could be finishing the final thing.

Also focus.

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  • nah i dont think you there was anything missing, but i think it would of been a little better if you had made a second part to it, but the rest is amazing :)

  • I like all the changes that you made, it sounds better than the original! let me see if I can list all the changes I heard, you changed the heisenberg electrode, and you changed the slope of the bass drum, and you made the drums have some type of surround sound, you added a wind type noise to the build up, Then you removed something i added in towards the end, then you added something at the end. How much did I get right? how much did i get wrong? am i missing anything?