So sweet!

100 % Audiotool
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0 -
0 Amazing work.
0 great mystery haunter brother. love the galloping night evaporation evoked herein. love this track. hope your 2016 is awesome brother :)
1 "... My desire might be to make this boy an ardent husband - a caring citizen - a worshipper of abstract and unifying God. My achievement, however, is more likely to make a ghost!”
― Peter Shaffer, Equus
0 Thanks very much Mikke!
0 great as always and congrats on the feature!
0 Thank you both very much. And Shakey's words are music in my ears
0 gutt geworden! schööön sphääärisch der 2te teil....! deine delays/reverbs sind schön ausgetüftelt!
1 "He encourages other users by consistently producing high quality tracks that demonstrate the full potential of Audiotool and set the standard for others to aspire to." - Shakey.
Way to confirm it with this track! ;)
0 your music is still as smooth and good sounding without any samples. loving the melody and the rich and interesting synths as always
0 both is right. I did it with audiotool and I didn't use samples ;) Thanks xav
0 By 100% audiotool, do you mean this was made in audiotool, or that it doesn't use any samples? Either way, neat stuff.
0 Republished
fug bixes
0 cant listen to it anymore. the pad broke everything. one next try
0 shit