Another try on my favourite genre. As always hope you like it and makes you move faster ;)

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  • awesome!

  • upbeat and fast paced, great sound too, nice one SSagara :)

  • Cool beat

  • this is like dei servus said, its like chase music. Really good chase music and the trumpet like synth is awesome, and the entire track is well made. Glad I found ur music :)

  • Thanks a lot guys, you're great! Yep true, as all of you say that synth at 1.40 needs some volume and filter adjustments. Sounds too sharp, especially on speakers. I will modify it. Thanks for your words, it's awesome all you can learn from others listens.I really appreciate all of your tips. TY.

  • I agree with sbronz. I love when the bass kicks in with the high pitched synth. I also agee that it's too loud but I love the sound of it. This track has a great feel to it. It's cool and has many interesting elements. If you get the volumes all balanced out (this is always difficult) this will be great. Now it's good but I can totally hear great coming soon. Love what you've done here.

  • Love the beat man!! :) I wasnt aware this was here! @ 0:57 like when the beat kicks up. that synth actually doesnt seem too bad but a tad bit bothersome maybe. maybe just tooo loud. I hear some weird things you put in here and I like th innovation here. very nice track. @ 3:10 like the beat there alot the transition is solid. something I could imagine in a chase scene. solid track my friend good job :)

  • i like this a lot. Great beats and nice work! The bass is really awesome. I'm not a fan of the synth that Jace is talking about at 1:39 . It's a little bit too piercing. You could probably alter it, but other than that, the rest is really great! :)

  • very nice.

  • buena elaboración

  • Thanks @Jace , this is what i want to read! Yep, you're right, i was listening a few days ago and that 2.23 final...i dunno, doesn't fit all the rest! I will try your way. Thank you man!

    Thank you @sbronz , yep that bass gives strong to all the initial mix. Thanks for your words guys :)

  • Great and clean beat! I love at 2.00 when the bass starts to play!

  • Yeah very uplifting! But being honest I don't really like that synth that comes in at 1:39 ... lowpass it or turn it down a bit so it blends with the pads...or make more of a low filter square or all sine's really sharp and cutting.. But I like the beat, very retro..something I'd hear in a 80s cop film (:

  • Molto bella!! :)

  • :) !