what an awesome track, my ears go berserk!
This a crazy collaboration between Marcelo aka PsySeed from Brazil and Stefan aka brainwalker from Germany.
Marcelo is a multitalented musician from Brazil. He started this creative project with some great selfmade metalparts including the guitarriffs in the mainpart and all the drumparts and grooves.
Also he did the mainideas of the Psypart and arrangement...
This creates loads of ideas at brainwalkers brain and he did all the vocalparts and added some psyleads and psystuff to it... Also he arranged the Track to it's end, because Marcelo's PC was collapsing about the size of this project...
I think this is another great and inspiring project of two guys, that just love music!
Take a journey to our created music and soundscapes thrue metal and the darker and fast areas of Psytrance!
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