just publishing cause im too lazy to finish this one.

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  • I see someone in pulv gang XD

  • How i miss this :0

  • i need to know what sub-genre this kind of wonderfully done trap is

    • then psych trap is officially one of my already favorite genres (andthankyoucausei've beentryingtosearchwhatgenrethiswaslolngeergn)

    • psych trap

  • dude the cover and the song combination is sickkk, idek what kinda energy this track brings but it's definitely there

  • okay ur insane

  • god why am i so late to ur stuff

  • Insane. Can I remix it?

    • (Anyone else instinctively thought "hell no", or is it just me?)

  • the 808 pattern is fye

  • O F T H I S W O R L D

  • That quadruple bass thing is so cool

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