This is my first ever contest, and I'd love for a lot of you to join... Unfortunately, I don't have a lot time on my hands (even though it's Summer), so the due date is gonna tight. The Contest is based on the vocals; you have to build your track around the vocals.


1. Remix to any genre/at the bpm of your choice

2. to be officially entered the name MUST be

"B-ST 300 Follower Remix Contest [Your Name Remix]

4. You MUST keep or use the vocals some how... You don't have to keep the drum pattern

3. BE CRAZY!!!


1st Place - An AT/SC follow and a repost on my fb

2nd Place - An AT follow and a repost on my fb

3rd Place - A repost on fb

-I know these are weak prizes, but wait til I get rich (I hope none of you have to wait for that though...)

ps. I don't have a lot of exposure on my fb

If you're a rapper, you can lease/buy some of my beats here

Due Date: Saturday, July 5, 2014 - No remixes will be accepted after then.

Good luck!

-Stay B-ST

ACiD : Added Strings, Ripped out the old drum pattern, Added Rock Drums and Toms, Yell Transitions and Pecuilar Ends and Beginning, Hope you enjoy this B-ST

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  • I love that Arabian melody. This is pretty tight!