will likely make changes over time and re-publish with updates

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  • everytime i listen to the synth i like it more also, i wish there was something after the end part lwk

    • you could have something with only the lead and then into some hard drums idk the exact name for the style

    • any particular instrument or style you mean? i thought the same but didnt want to make a significant change rn.

  • Republished

    presumably final tweaks for a bit. drum additions over the second part, and fixed the piano early on. shoutout jonas shoutout ash.

  • Republished

    Shortened each part of the first progression and removed a loop on the final part (also thanks to ashton, zayne, and jonas for being cool)

  • i really like the synth

  • yay zach first beat yay

  • Republished

    More drum adjustments and synth volume changes

  • Republished

    kicks made louder

  • immediately listening to it the kicks are really quiet, gonna go back through later and fix it.