Another Holiday, another Pinkamena Party album.

So, basically, the premise here is this: a brony kid gets tired of all the trolls and brony haters rustling his jimmies every time he goes on the Internet and embarks on a Surrealistic rampage through Cyberspace; unleashing his bottled up rage in a massacre of his tormentors!

I'll be submitting this to "No Morality on Mischeif Night" coming out on or around October 30th. (Mischeif Night in some places)

Song sampled:

"Kill Yourself" by Pink Guy

featuring screaming and whaleing from FilthyFrankTV and some hilarious kid ranting about brony hate. The original video has been taken down and I don't know what the kid goes by but, I'll leave a link in the comments to a mirror.

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  • This Is an awesome song and I lovr It. I wish to make usic like this one day :D

  • Republished

    I fucked up my own submission; it won't be in the album. (one month of work wasted) The pic is from the manga "Oral Cavity Infectious Syndrome" by Shintaro Kago.

  • When your noise is a zillion times better than mine