My apologies for missing out on this one! Great stuff!

Hey I finally entered one! xD
Hope you guys like it! :D
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1 -
0 sounds like something from NCS
0 I feel like those chords a just a bit too detuned and lose energy as a result. Otherwise, this sounds freakin' cool!
0 i think some good heavy sidechain could make this a whole lot of difference.
0 huh not bad
0 noice
0 Republished
minor edeetz
0 yeeeettttt
1 OMG this is really cool. the best bit is the awesome chords/arps you have in the backround
1 nice, but i feel as though this is rushed. it could have alot better sound design.
still gj tho
1 I like it a lot well done
0 solid <3
0 yeah cool man!
0 cool
0 damnnnn