its been awhile since ive made a track, i feel a bit rough but i like the way it turned out.

available for download

opionions always welcome good or bad ill take it.

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  • honestly a refav

  • WOAH

  • i still come back

    1 more
  • bass could use some phasing

  • Republished

    levels adjustments and sound design

  • Still a great track <3

  • thanks ill look into it, see you at the next comp! @JacobTyer

  • it sounds great :) just need to readjust the levels in the mix ;) the drums dont punch though the mix quite enough :) other than that its really good!:)

  • it sounds like interstellar a bit to me

  • i really like this a lot!

  • Republished

    change a bunch of the fq and changed sound lvls, made the snare snappier and hats easier to hear

  • Republished

    made the sub and drums a bit louder, changed the arps a bit after the drop so they wouldnt sound to mushy and some minor stuff.

  • I think it could use a little more sub tbh. Great melodies and stuff. The dnb percs could be louder too. Good job on the layering too

  • thanks E-trim

  • @PROXiD thanks alot it means alot, to know that i had a listener like you really makes my day