I have no idea what this is or why I made it. Honestly, this belongs on my second account but I made it here and I am too lazy to transfer it.


I don't have any prizes, I do have a deadline though. The deadline is May 31st, because.... Ok, I don't have a reason, but that is the deadline date. I decided that this was going to be a remix contest 2 seconds after publish, so sorry for the messy setup. As for rules, you can make whatever you like, just keep the original melody in some way (see bar 1. The sample is the notes from the bassline exportet to a melody sample to reduce lag)


Qua-Z here: Just saw this and was like "Why not?"

Kept the melody pretty much the same... it's only a little different. Added my own little flair to it though, as I changed the speed. Changed the drums a little. Tweaked the synths and added reverb and rasslebock/etc where I saw fit. Made this in 1.5 hours lol.

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  • Hey, you win. It saddens me because I only had 2 entries, but this one was the better of the two of them. So yeah, congrats. Thanks for entering

    • Lol thanks bro!

      First contest I won though so it counts in my book.

  • This is kinda funky. I like it