the most powerful thing


sorry for the wait

ik that i've basically depleted the amount of dick sid has for me to suck but @Carrion Haven THANK YOU for being very good at guitaring and playing all the shit i ask you to

and thank you all <3 enjoy the track



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  • refav

  • Hello can you help with my project plz

  • This is amazing. So glad I found it, even though it's been long overdue.

  • Hey man this shit is gold, also me and my friends wanted to know if we could write lyrics to the song.

  • anyone wanna get that 200th favorite

  • oh shit 2 thousandth play

  • this is so good still!

  • This track is something else, I really want to use this for a video but don't know how copyright applies :(

    • just credit me and you should be fine

  • Gasp

  • Hands down my favorite song on AT. There isnt a single song on here ive combe back to as much as this one.

    I dont usually say this but thanks for this man <3

    5 more
  • that guitar speaking to me goddamn

  • 'i didnt believe in magic until i met you'

  • Just wow... That's so gooddd <3

  • I really really like the progression starting here: 1:42

    • It's the marriage of 90s rock and Japanese contemporary music

  • O YEAH, NICE!!!:~)