something different...

more boom bap/hip hop than lofi



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  • Smooth! Love it!

  • Not bad. Much better if Wutang Clan would rap over it. More than half of the Heisenbergs on the picture are not in use

    • Appreciate the follow by btw

    • I used all of them but 2, you just can't tell since most of them are either low are sound similar

  • It needs to change from section to section. Try making an interesting change to the beat that makes the listener go "woah!"

  • That extra snare you add to the pattern at 1:10 is a bit much

    But the two lil snares you add to the end of each 1st bar from 0:47 go forward was a nice touch

    • Well yeah I was trying to add some sort of variation to the drums like you said

  • 2.5 minutes max unless its techno. :)

    the choice of your drum samples is a little eh and the drum pattern is too repetitive, it should really be your main focus if its trap or hip-hop or something whatever this is and i dunno man just be more creative the bass just goes bam bam bam for 6 minutes straight, make it do something else

    • That doesn't mean you can't add variation

    • Lmao in lofi/boom bap the drums are supposed to be simple but I feel you

  • cool beat. It's slightly out of key at times. Also the sample could be louder

  • This shit reminds me of staying up late on Friday's watching Naruto

  • Pretty cool