Why am I just noticing this now..?

This was so fun to make! Leave a <3 if you enjoy! And I'm totally not asking you to put this in your public album ahahahaha [insert Kitty's laugh]
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0 -
0 Now that's sick
4 this is so fucking good
0 that bass...
might wanna add some cymbals on the 2nd & 4th step to keep the beat full
0 how is this at
0 great potential
0 i like the wobbles
0 ugh it sounds different on my monitor wtfffffffffffffff
0 for the bass i used an extremely subtle crusher, but it sounds nearly the same without. I just think it adds to the riddimness
0 The basses are pretty good.
0 some reason my other songs have turned to noobstep especially Neuron. i always thought bad about the mixing, but somehow, suddenly it sound duplicated. it was awful
0 Levels are a little all over the place, otherwise, i rlly enjoyed
0 What are those hidden samples, my guy?
0 Yah not my taste but not bad either. Maybe you should slow down a little and let the people discover the track without you screaming for listeners