the mandatory bday track #3

late to posting this cause was occupied with bday related things lol

gazelle must be so proud of me

just wanted to make something more... neutral, not in a bad way just in a "its another year and my gosh you better be glad you're not the hundreds and thousands of unfortunate souls who're currently six feet under or completely gone from existence this year" way

byeah im flippin... 22 and im still the same as ever xd

time flies by way too fast man... but hey, each year is something new about me that i explore, with it especially translating in to my sound so... do wonder what my music will be in 2025, an exact year from now..

also i had a spectacular birthday if any of y'all were wondering :>

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  • happy birth of the day

  • Happy birthday!

  • Happy birthday

  • haaaa old bucket of bones XDDDDDDD

    everyone point and laugh at the old lad :D

    nah but happy bday 😁🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳

    • yeah im OLD time to throw things onto people to get them off my lawn smh

      and im surprised to hear its an addicting sound... i wasnt even putting much thought with it xd

    • had this playing on loop by accident because it's such an addicting sound lol

  • happy bday unc!

  • stereo made my brain tingle

    • and i will continue making it tingle