one of your best

for all of the broken philosophers
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0 -
0 live version coming soon
0 i love this... :D
0 he said it, that's the perfect word. Illustrious.
0 agreed, torn. one of my absolute faves from the illustrious dronealpha
0 this is the shit - i mean cut it out this is so so so good
0 I made an album (in 2000) that was named Transmutation. That was very different.
You're possibly the only mix-electro on that site. What say, on the world. Rare are those as complete as you are. Great musician. You do good.
0 This is amazing!! Definitely my favorite by you. Should have been featured.
0 nice
0 this is beautiful...drums are fantastic...agreed with daniel..awesome track
0 вегетативная трансмутация... понравилась
0 Finger slides on the guitar neck really nice... 1:52 to where it turns into piano(2:40ish): loved that section! Good stuff Man!
0 for some reason it reminded me of stairway to heaven by led zeppelin:)
0 i hef a new song