Pretty good! Although the name doesn't fit... I really think this song doesn't exactly make you picture an alien in your mind... This sounds like it would be a good theme song for an 8-bit video game villain

This ones a bit strange...
trying to find what style fits me best
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0 -
0 Pretty cool! It's so different... I already re-played it twice :)
0 :D what about now, watcha workin on
0 lol i was playing dat dis mornin XD
0 dong ding dongdong dong dong dengdengdeng
0 ding, dengdengdeng, dingding, dong... Tetris!
0 blooooop boop boop XD pacman
0 bop bop pow XD
0 working... (beep bloop bop)
0 lol i spent hours on my 8bit song i think it still sucks but great for a begginer lol make it more beep bloop bop XD
0 Thanks
I tried to make it 8 bit but kinda failed
0 XD so diffrent i like it
0 Aliens : )