Hi! I wanted to do a remix of this pretty badly, in fact, I was even planning it before the song was even out. The tune just got stuck in my head, I suppose. Anyways, Enjoy! :D

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  • Old and kinda ass, but for a relatively old virus track, it's real eBic.

    • I would do a VIP but nobody does VIPs for remixes

      I know I WILL be doing a VIP of The Machine at some point

    • heh thanks

  • Mixing is really bad though, that's the only thing. lmao

  • 

    • Oh lmao

      K then

    • Idk man.

      Google is retarded sometimes.

      T was supposed to be an :ok_hand: thingo

    • how the actual hell do I even look at this image... I copy it into my browser and I get the very top of an image ;-;

    1 more
  • Hidden because I don't want people biting my head off for not changing enough

    • SOMEhow all of you found it, so I might as well unhide it lmao