i was dreaming of flying on stars, eatting mario mushrooms.

then princess peach started bitching, so we dropped her off. and me and mario just chilled.

in china. c;

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  • Lol I'm never gonna get over the fact that you spelled 'ancient' wrong :3

  • Splendid :)

  • Naw , i don't care bro.

    Just hit me up on FB to let me hewr what you did on it.

  • dont mind if i snatch up some of these beats do you?

  • lov the intro

  • might remix this

  • this track = a musical high. such trippy music mayne

  • This is great.

  • i'm gonna cry , yo.

    no prob. kahliel , now i feel bad.

  • I listen to your music everyday for inspiration my brother. Even if you decide to quit, I'll always have you to thank for songs like these that fuel my creative mind and inspired mind.

  • :o

  • Wow amazing!

  • that kick is so clean. I feel the Mario coin doesn't need the delay (it makes a statement as one clean hit). A little repetitive (but yeah that's samples do...)

    @tophat is on point tho.

    it's amazing.

  • ahaha, word.


  • omgooshhh "Real." ....that's brilliant.......

    just going to take my liberty and steal that.... ....

