I pulled the trigger. I pulled it. How am I...how? Am I dead? Look, audiotool. It's still pulled up. Odd. What is that? One new message, two, three. "Welcome to AT", priase, support. What's that, movement from the other room? Owen, your brother, he's sleeping, changing sleeping positions. You would've woken him up. You wouldn't be able to show appreciation to these people who praise you, yet dont even know you. I cry. Foolishly I thought a bullet was the answer. And one good bullet away from death, I was. Foolish. Selfish. So many things never to be experienced, all because I let the thoughts take control. Never again. It's my life, and it's not for me to take.
Fantastic finish to a fantastic album! I enjoyed every bit of it from start to finish. Great concept and the tracks flowed perfectly into one another.. GJ!!!!!!!!
Really enjoyed listening to the whole series. Its a true story and the music makes it feel like it. Amazing job man. And so glad u didnt let the bullet decide. Make all ur music from ur heart, it does makes a difference ... even if it is only a small difference