95% of this was completed 8 years ago and i never published it. added the vocals just now plus some lil automations but everything else has stayed the same. please excuse any poor mixing as this is more of a spontaneous "what the heck lets try finishing it in one night" moment rather than something i spent weeks working on but im open to suggestions as always.

i have a large project on the way that probably wont be done for a week or two, so just posting this to get it out there but also say im making music and trying to put in the time!

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  • That delay gives it a certain texture that's like a soft massage. Nice and gentle but with enough texture that you can feel it. The sub is so cleaan. The pitched down vocals at 2:52 hit so haaaaaaaard.

    • thanks so much man glad u enjoy :)

  • what a throwback to see that many stompbox effects in a draft! And the style is so 'that AT era', I love it and miss it :). I'm glad you uncovered this gem!

    • thank you man! its a trip going through the old stuff, ill probably try to fix up and publish more as time goes on :)

  • beautiful

  • it's cool you dug this back up, it's like archaeology of your past self! nice sound

  • amoeba returning with more music, we are in the blessed timeline :')

  • timeless

  • pulling out a quality 8 year draft is amazing lol! really love the texture in here