probably ur best, i love it

Track 2 of 3.
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0 beautiful trak, vltra !
0 an another masterpiece...
1 your music makes me smile dude,
I just can't even begin to imagine what goes through your mind when I listen
2 When I show people Auditool, your music is always the first I show.
5 man shit, I´m nearly crying... there is so much emotions in this song, a lot of old shit came up to my mind while listening to this. Truly beautiful in a very touching way
0 Your style is so perfectly you...
how how how hwo how how hoawdhoahowhowhowhwowhwoh!!!!>!>!><...
The master of all things VLTRA.
0 nice
0 and that last section :)
0 Goddam so beautiful brb shedding many tears, such amazing sampling here
0 needs better eq. I'll get to that
0 Very cool atmosphere gives it a mellow feeling :)
0 oh my gosh ! This is perfect ! I love the atmosphere of this track :)