Now the dream of this life must end, and so too must the dreamers within it. For over thirty years they have denied their own fates. For thirty years, they've lied to their own souls. But now is the end of days, and I am the Reaper.

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  • So peaceful

  • This a masterpiece, Love that ending

  • This is absolutely beautiful, 2:25 is a very small mistake that only lasts a second. Love this track probably my favorite for something peaceful.

    • Yeah, not very many people listen to an entire track but they should because they could miss something really awesome. Thanks for the listen and like. :)

  • Tuff this fire but dang that 2:25 is hard to fix

    did you try using the limiter on the thing

  • Around 2:25 there is a small mistake that can't be fixed, I have tried to fix it but couldn't find the problem. Other than the very tiny mistake the overall track is indeed beautiful.