I thought this was a joke at first and it actually is. Po9t is the only one capable of taking down the trap kid army cuz he actually has a career outside of audiotool. @po9t wya

Tom has fooled you all and now his plan to wipe out the trap kid army can finally begin.
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2 -
0 banger
7 Republished
proper mixes are required if we are to take down the trap kid army
0 Bro nice samples
And improper mixig
0 my brancells arent working anymore... how many genres were mixed
1 yuh
2 How dare you
2 🪤
4 I hate it, so it must be good
1 bro has something personal against trap kids
0 XD
1 Very good !
0 Lol
0 fucking do it
wipe them out
i'll help